(Click to enlarge) This image © Copyright 2018, Michael Fulbright Taken the week of 10/26/2016 at the Staunton River Star Party. Date: 11/02/2016 Telescope: Teleskop-Service ONTC 8" f4 Mount: Astro-Physics Mach1GTO Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-Cool Exposure: Baader B 1.25" CCD Filter: 100x60" (gain: 75.00) -15C bin 1x1, Baader G 1.25" CCD Filter: 112x60" (gain: 75.00) -15C bin 1x1, Baader L 1.25" CCD Filter: 240x60" (gain: 75.00) -15C bin 1x1, Baader R 1.25" CCD Filter: 138x60" (gain: 75.00) -15C bin 1x1