M42 Ha Wide Angle HDR Test
(Click to enlarge) This image © Copyright 2018, Michael Fulbright I'd never tried using Pixinsight HDRComposition before with DSO data so since the Moon is pretty much washing out my targets I gave it a try on M42 with 15s, 30s, and 60s exposures. The Moon made the fainter outer areas noisier than they would have otherwise been so I will probably give it another shot on a dark night. Date: 01/02/2018 Telescope: Stellarvue SV70T Mount: Astro-Physics Mach1GTO Camera: ZWO ASI1600MM-Cool Exposure: Astrodon Ha 1.25" 5nm: 60x15" (gain: 139.00) -25C bin 1x1, Astrodon Ha 1.25" 5nm: 120x30" (gain: 139.00) -25C bin 1x1, Astrodon Ha 1.25" 5nm: 120x60" (gain: 139.00) -25C bin 1x1